Lemon uses - detox water, improve digestion, boosts immunity, removes sun spots, reduces wrinkles, clean stainless steel, glass, disinfect cutting board, brighten sink, and bath Baking soda - makes fluffier omelets, crispier chicken, leavening agent, natural toothpaste, natural deodorant, relieve diaper rashes, freshen Fridge, clean oven and grill, and scrub toilets and tubs Coconut oil - improve metabolism, weight loss, improve thyroid, hair treatment, lip gloss, soft skin, polish wood furniture, remove shower scum Apple cider vinegar - controls high blood pressure, cure yeast infection, boost the immune system, soothes sunburn, wash your hair, acne treatment, aftershave, fruit, and vegetable wash, repel fleas White vinegar - boil eggs better, keep vegetables fresh, neutralize garlic odor, tenderize meat, aid in upset stomach, soothes bee stings, condition hair, clean windows, unclog a drain Castile soap - facial acne cleansing, treat eczema and psoriasis, body wash, pet shampoo, prevent eczema, all-purpose cleaner, dish soap, laundry soap, and floor cleaning
Calcium and Vitamin D work together to promote healthy bone density and a strong structure. Calcium cannot be efficiently absorbed without the presence of Vitamin D receptors to aid it. Calcium is an essential component of bone structure. Deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to rickets in children. Many people living in countries with inconsistent sunlight and working indoors are deficient in Vitamin D. Sources of Calcium - milk, cream, cheese, butter, kale, nuts, flour, okra, collard, white beans, soybeans, sardines, salmon, perch, calcium-fortified foods, cucumber, broccoli, boiled eggs, bok choy, brazil nuts, berries, asparagus, almonds, cinnamon, olives, sesame, tofu, walnuts, oranges, artichokes, kidney beans, and fennel etc.
Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency - muscle weakness, rickets, autoimmune disorder, bone pain, increased risk of heart disease, osteomalacia. Benefits of Vitamin D - improved heart health, improved absorption of phosphate and calcium, help to dissolve plaque in the bloodstream, treat psoriasis, prevents diabetes, prevents rickets, reduced risk of osteoporosis Foods that are high in Vitamin D - Milk, cheese, sardines, salmon, pork, rainbow trout, mushroom, swordfish, eggs, and rockfish
Baking Soda uses - # Absorbs heavy metals # Alkalizes the body # Natural toothpaste # Freshen your mouth # Treats insect bites and itchy skins # Nontoxic deodorant # Make a hand cleanser and softener # Soothes your feet # Absorbs radiation # Cleans fresh fruits and vegetables # Deodorize stinky feet # treat cold and flu # Wash dishes # Clean bathroom tubs, tiles, and sinks, floors, furniture, shower curtains, baby clothes, batteries, cars # Facial scrub and body exfoliant