Health Benefits of eating nuts (Walnuts, Pecans, Cashew, Almonds, Chestnuts etc)

Eating Nuts as snack or with Lunch, Dinner or dishes made of them has many benefits and confirmed by Scientific studies

Brazil Nuts - Reduces Sugar level, helps with thyroid disease, prevents reproductive disorders, lowers the risk of pancreatic cancer, protects from tumors.
Pistachios - Weight loss, reduces diabetes, protects from cancer, lowers blood pressure, reduces arthritis.
Chestnuts - Improves glycemic control, memory protection, bowel health, anemia support, weight loss.
Hazelnuts - Heart-healthy, arthritis support, cancer-protective, diabetes support, Alzheimer's support.
Almonds - Appetite control, weight control, bone health, memory booster, biotin source.
Walnuts - Source for Fatty Acids and Omega-3, reduces the risk of diabetes, heart-healthy, stress buster, reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Pecans - protects from infection, a rich source of energy, Vitamin E, Minerals, Heart healthy.
Cashew - Cancer preventive, heart-healthy, lowers blood pressure, lowers gallstone risk, helps digestion.
Macadamia - lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of diabetes, colon cleansing, anemia support, weight loss