Uses of most common natural products
Amazing uses of natural products that are readily available in our daily life
Lemon uses - detox water, improve digestion, boosts immunity, removes sun spots, reduces wrinkles, clean stainless steel, glass, disinfect cutting board, brighten sink, and bath Baking soda - makes fluffier omelets, crispier chicken, leavening agent, natural toothpaste, natural deodorant, relieve diaper rashes, freshen Fridge, clean oven and grill, and scrub toilets and tubs Coconut oil - improve metabolism, weight loss, improve thyroid, hair treatment, lip gloss, soft skin, polish wood furniture, remove shower scum Apple cider vinegar - controls high blood pressure, cure yeast infection, boost the immune system, soothes sunburn, wash your hair, acne treatment, aftershave, fruit, and vegetable wash, repel fleas White vinegar - boil eggs better, keep vegetables fresh, neutralize garlic odor, tenderize meat, aid in upset stomach, soothes bee stings, condition hair, clean windows, unclog a drain Castile soap - facial acne cleansing, treat eczema and psoriasis, body wash, pet shampoo, prevent eczema, all-purpose cleaner, dish soap, laundry soap, and floor cleaning